合作伙伴 · Collaborating Partners

by kflai

人间烟火是马来西亚的中文网络副刊,服务东南亚的文化高净值群体。人间烟火是一个完整的文创生态圈,由副刊 fukan.my 门户网站,订阅平台书满季,以及手作产品平台人间市集所共同组成。

fukan.my is a Chinese language community for arts and culture enthusiasts in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

Managedcare 为一家管理并协调多项有关健康长期照护、医疗保健相关服务的公司,提供优质且价位合理的服务。

Managedcare is in the business of coordinating a variety of healthcare and long-term care services as well as the administration of these services to achieve optimum value in terms of quality and affordability. (Facebook

九石公司为特殊护理和需求设施提供设计咨询和解决方案。我们曾为不同设计环境 和运营为重心的建筑,如:康养中心、医院、酒店等服务。因此,我们对人体工程学设计,以及使用辅助设备支持特殊需求人士在无障碍和移动功能上特别关注。

Nine Stones provides design consultancy and solutions for special care and needs facilities. We have worked in various design environment and operation centric buildings such as care homes, hospitals, hotels and etc. Hence we are sensitive to ergonomic design and use of accessories to support people with special needs in accessibility and mobility.